5 Benefits of Starting a Flower Garden

Are you thinking about starting a flower garden but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Let me tell you why YOU SHOULD! In this article, I will outline several benefits of starting your own flower garden.
One of my favorite features of Thistle Downs Farm is the beautiful flower gardens that we maintain each year. A large amount of the credit goes to my Grandpa Phil, who meticulously manages these plots down to the last pebble. The hard work definitely pays though, and we are rewarded with a wonderful oasis right outside our front door!
Starting a flower garden has several benefits. In this article, I have outlined five important reasons why you should start a flower garden today, so let’s get into it!
1. Great for pollinators (bees and butterflies)

Honey bees and butterflies LOVE flower gardens. Flowers are a main source of nectar, which these wonderful insects use for food. In the process of retrieving the nectar, they inadvertently collect pollen from the stamen(the male reproductive organ of the plant). Then, when they move on to another flower of the same type, they deposit the pollen into the pistil, where the female reproductive organs (called ovules) are contained. This process of pollination is crucial to agriculture and food production because it allows plants to bear fruit and produce seeds. Without pollination, we wouldn’t be able to grow produce and the world would be in deep trouble. So PLEASE be nice to the honeybees!
2. It’s Inexpensive

One of the great parts about starting a flower garden is how inexpensive it can be to get going. Gardening is one of those hobbies where you can spend money on fancy equipment and pre-started flowers, but you don’t have to. You can save your money by getting a little thrifty.
Use tools and equipment you have laying around in your workshop or garage. Your equipment won’t have a big impact on how your garden turns out. When you are just getting started, an old trowel will work just as well a fancy new one with a molded grip that you saw in a magazine.
Also, get creative with your planters. I actually prefer to use repurposed items for planting instead of the generic plastic garden center varieties. I love the way flowers look when planted in an old tractor tire or barrel. It adds wonderful character to the farm.
Finally, save money by spending time. Seeds are way cheaper than starter plants. You will have to work a little harder to get them started and transplanted, but if you are willing to put in the work before it’s actually time to plant outside, you can save a bunch of money and grow exactly what you want!
3. Curb appeal

This one is easy. A well-manicured flower garden is a wonderful way to beautify your home and create a warmer, more welcoming vibe. It let’s people know that you take pride in your home and your community
4.Environmentally Friendly

Planting a flower garden is great for the environment for multiple reasons. The first reason being, flowers undergo the process of photosynthesis to produce chlorophyll. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. This helps to reduce CO2 emissions and provide cleaner, oxygen-rich air (however small the impact may be).
The other way flower gardens help the environment, is by using their roots to stabilize the soil. This reduces soil erosion because the roots act like a framework to provide structure underground. This is an important consideration in sustainability and land preservation.
5. Health Benefits
There are several health benefits to planting a flower garden as well. First, gardening is a great means of exercise, especially for the middle aged and elderly. Gardening aids in strength and flexibility due to the bending, lifting, and stretching required. Digging, weeding, watering, and edging amount to a great workout!
Second, gardening can actually boost your immunity. By working in and around the soil, you are exposing yourself to common bacteria and microbes. This allows your body to build up its immune system by creating antibodies. So don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!
Finally, gardening can do wonders for your cognitive and emotional health. The beautiful colors and sweet smells of a flower garden can help improve your mood and help you to relax.
In this 2016 research study, aerobic physical activities, including gardening, were shown to cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease in half, as well as boost brain volume. Flower gardening may also trigger pleasant memories in patients suffering from dementia and cognitive decline.
Well there you go guys! That’s just five of the many benefits of starting a flower garden. I’d love to hear your reasons too, so please comment below! And if you enjoyed this article and would like to read more like it, subscribe to our blog below!

About the Author
Cody earned a Master’s Degree in Nurse Anesthesia from Albany Medical College in 2017, after working as a Critical Care Registered Nurse for 6 years. Though he spends a lot of time in the operating room administering anesthesia, his passion lies on the farm. Cody grew up on Thistle Downs Farm, and a lot of the lessons he has learned over the years are reflected in his articles. For him, there is no place he’d rather be than right at home on the farm.