How to Re-Grow Green Onions

Green onions are a staple of many recipes and have a place in most styles of cuisine across the world. Today, I want to show you how to propagate these versatile veggies so you can re-use them over and over again in your cooking, without having to go to the grocery store or farmer’s market. Green onions are super easy to propagate, and re-grow very quickly making this a fun and satisfying project for both children and adults. Follow along and learn how to re-grow your green onions today!
What You’ll Need
If you don’t grow your own green onions at home, don’t worry. You can do this project with green onions from the grocery store too. I recently made some salsa so after I chopped up my green onions, I saved the white root-ends to re-grow them.

You will only need two things for this project:
-Save as many green onion root-ends as you want to propagate. I recommend saving at least 1.5 inches to re-grow.
-You will also need something to soak them in. I used a mason jar and it worked great. You can also use a solo cup, mug, or pretty much anything cup-like that holds water.

How to Re-Grow Your Green Onions
This is honestly SO easy to do, there’s really no secret to it. Just fill your cup about halfway with water and stand your green onions up so the root hairs are down and the cut ends are sticking up out of the water. Make sure they’re not completely submerged.

Now, just find a sunny windowsill to keep your green onions while they re-grow. I kept mine right on my grow rack, but natural lighting on a windowsill will be fine.
Make sure to change the water once every 3 or for days to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. If you keep the water fresh, you should be able to use the same green onion cuttings several times.
How My Green Onions Progressed
Day 1
The inner layers of the green onion cuttings are already pushing up to create new growth!

Day 2
The new green onions are noticeably taller than on day one.

Day 4
The green onions continue to grow steadily.

Day 6
The green onions are now pushing over the top of the glass! You can see the old outer layers of onion are drying out and starting to flake off as the new growth pushes up through them.

Day 9
The new onion shoots are working their way up next to the old ones.

It’s really THAT easy to re-grow green onions right on your windowsill. This is a great project to teach children a little bit about horticulture, and is also great for anyone looking for some fresh, homegrown ingredients in their dishes. Next time you use some green onions in a recipe, toss the ends in some water and see what happens!
Thanks for sticking around to learn how to grow green onions. If you enjoyed this article and have anything to add, feel free to leave a comment below. If you like to read gardening and homesteading-related content, make sure to subscribe to our blog below!
Enjoy Your Green Onions!
Thistle Downs Farm
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